
Man-eating lions dine on ecotourists
Ecotourists are helping nature in an unexpected way - by becoming "fast food of the bush" for man-eating lions, it was claimed today.
Ecotourists - the other white meat!
Reports of lions eating humans are increasing in Africa, and one reason may be more tourists camping on the big cats' doorstep. Craig Packer, of Minnesota University, told New Scientist magazine: "There have been a fair number of attacks on humans in the last couple of years, including some in South African camps. "The problem is, there is a growing number of camps putting people in the bush right next to lions." Separate research casts doubt on the theory that lions get a taste for human flesh only when illness or injury means they cannot hunt faster four-legged prey.Zoologist Bruce Patterson examined the bones of 23 maneaters in Kenya. Most were healthy young male lions. He believes males expelled from prides meet more humans on their travels. "It may all be too much for a lion to resist," he said.
More proof that Mother Nature has a sense of humor.
Posted by: Steve 2003-02-13