
Iranian Defector on Iraq, Nth Korea, Al-Qa’ida, and Hizbullah
A excerpt from an interview given by an Iranian Revolutionary Guards defecter to a London based Arabic newspaper, the whole article is worth reading, and I hope he has 'defected' to a Western country, and not Russia or somewhere.
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: "You said that you participated in teaching and training courses abroad. Where was this?"
Zakiri: "I went to North Korea twice, as our relations with it are special. Over the years, we sent a number of groups of Revolutionary Guards personnel and security [forces personnel] to North Korea. Among those who received combat training were Revolutionary Guards Commander Rahim Safavi and his deputy Dhu-Al-Qadr. Among the personnel of the [Revolutionary] Guards were units of pilots who received training in flying and parachuting operations, among them Brigadier-General Kalibaf (now military forces commander). Our group included intelligence officers. The first time I went for 40 days and participated in special courses on psychological warfare and counter-espionage, and the second time, I stayed in North Korea again for 40 days and participated in a special course for protecting nuclear and other secret installations."
Seems to strengthen that whole Axis of Evil doesn't it? Throw in Pakistan (ISI, Qazi, Nukes for Missiles, madrassas) and Saudi Arabia (Mad Mullahs and Petro-Dollars) and you start to get a real picture of the enemy.
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: You say that you were in important security centers. It is natural that people ask you whether there really is a connection between Iran and Al-Qa'ida. And what do you say about Sa'ad Osama bin Laden (Osama bin Laden's son) being in Iran?"
Zakiri: "The subject of the connection of the intelligence of the [Revolutionary] Guards, not of the [Iranian] government, with the Al-Qa'ida organization and other fundamentalist groups such as the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad goes back to the 1980s. After the assassination of [Egyptian president] Anwar Sadat, a number of Egyptians who were responsible for the crime came to us, and the [Revolutionary] Guards intelligence established relations with them. Later, we went to Lebanon, where we got acquainted with many non-Shiite revolutionary activists."
And let's remember, the brains of al-Qaeda are the Egyptians led by Ayman al-Zawahiri who made use of the Saudi money to shift their Jihad from the Egyptian government to America, and according to this article:
Zakiri said that Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, leader of the Egyptian Jihad organization and Osama bin Laden's deputy, established close ties with current deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier-General Muhammad Bakr Dhu-Al-Qadr, and with current commanders of the Iranian and Al-Quds Forces, part of the Revolutionary Guards
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: "Did you know about the plans to attack the World Trade Center in New York?"
Zakiri: "No, but we had in our headquarters models of the [WTC] two towers, the White House, the Pentagon, and the CIA building at Langley. Thus, Imad Mughnia came to Iran, met with a number of top officials in the security apparatus of the Leader [Khamenei] and gave them a letter from Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, which said: 'We need your help to carry out a most important mission in the land of the 'Great Satan.'' The issue was presented but his request was denied. Afterwards, it was decided by the head of our department and Natiq Nouri's deputy, head of the investigations section in the Leader's [Khamenei's] Office and his representative in the Higher Council for Security, to entrust Mughnia with keeping the relations with Al-Zawahiri and his comrades, provided he did not get involved in their activity."
Imad Mughniyeh is a Lebanese of Palestianian descent who used to be in Arafat's Force 17 before becoming the head of Hezbollah's military-terrorist wing and an Iranian intelligence asset. He is the most wanted non-Qaeda terrorist with a $25 million price on his head.
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: "Where is Imad Mughnia today?"
Zakiri: "He is still in Iran and is continuing his activity. I think that he planned the escape of dozens of Al-Qa'ida men to Iran, some of them with their families. Before that, bin Laden's wife arrived, the young Yemenite woman with her son, and we handed them over to Yemen. Perhaps Sa'ad Osama bin Laden [too] entered Iran through Mughnia."
We knew it was happening. I'm also pretty sure the official Iranian government wasn't involved, but the unofficial government — the one run by the ayatollahs that's in conflict with the Khatami government — was. The question is whether the official government didn't want to see it happening, which is probably the case.
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: "There are many more questions concerning activities and secrets that you have not so far revealed."
Zakiri: "I ask to put off these questions for a while. After I arrange my situation and that of my family, and set myself up in a safe place, I will be willing to answer all your questions."
Looking forward to it..
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2003-02-23