
German intelligence services finds smoking gun in Iraq
German newspaper reports that Iraq has deployed missiles near its border with Kuwait to threaten British and U.S. troops massing in the Persian Gulf nation for a possible invasion of Iraq. The Frankfurter Allgemeine reports in Sunday editions that the missiles pose a grave threat to the allied troops and that they violate a 1994 United Nations resolution that forbids Iraq from threatening its neighbors.
Btw a threat to the 59 German soldiers stationed in Kuwait. It gets personal now, right?
The Ababil-100 missiles reportedly have a range of 200 kilometers, which would violate other U.N. resolutions banning Iraq from having missiles with a range of more than 150 kilometers. The newspaper said German intelligence agencies informed the Defense Ministry early this month about the deployment, and that the United Nations was notified 10 days ago.
So that was when? 13th of February? Before Valentine's Day meeting? Did Powell know? And if so, why didn't he say a thing?
Posted by: True German Ally 2003-02-23