
Reformist journalist freed from Evin, hospitalised
A pro-reform journalist arrested after attacking Iran's leadership, Mohsen Sazegara, was taken to hospital late Saturday after being freed from jail, his wife told IRNA on Sunday. "He is ill, he was freed from Evin prison (in Tehran) after five days of detention and was immediately hospitalized by his family", his wife said.
Yeah. Wonder what made him "ill."
Sazegara, who wrote open letters to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was arrested on Tuesday by plainclothes police, who took away video films, cassettes and the hard disk of his personal computer. In his last article headlined "First step, last talk" published on his Internet site All Iran, he called for a "profound change of the constitution", questioning the preeminence of the supreme leader.
That's the way to get jugged in Iran. Matter of fact, the way to get jugged in any dictatorship is to question the preeminence of der Fuehrer...
Sazegara has held several posts in the Islamic republic, including director general of the Organisation of Development and Industrial Modernisation, which controls major state industries. He launched a newspaper last year called Golestan-e-Iran, which was shut down after a few editions. The journalist is close to the reformist camp in Iran but considered an independent figure not linked to the major movements which support President Mohammad Khatami.
Wonder what he's going to do when he recovers? If he recovers.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-02-23