
President: I view triumph now as clear as I was sure before
Fractured syntax courtesy the original article...
President Saddam Hussein has said that the US goal in Iraq is to target the ideal symbol of principles in Iraq. He added that he views triumph now as clear as he was sure before. The President addressed the ministers in the sixth session of the cabinet meeting that this conflict would be crucial for many aspects and would retain the nation its dignity and position in the world. The President remarked, “In 1991, they have been committing aggression on us and no one utters, however now there are somebody object in Germany, the US, Britain and elsewhere, yet peoples will hear us and not them (the enemies)”.
I think that translates as something like "I'm as confident of victory now as I was in 1991... Iraq will maintain its dignity, such as it is, and its position in the world as a pariah state... In 1991 nobody took our side, but this time around we have some useful idiots hollering in Germany, the U.S., Britain, and wherever else they can grab a few people who aren't too fastidious or too bright..."
The cabinet was briefed on Deputy Prime Minster Tareq Aziz’s last visit to Ankara and meeting Turkish officials. Another brief presented by Acting Foreign Minister, Higher Education Minister Dr. Humam Abdul Khaliq on Arab foreign ministers meeting held in Cairo recently.
A report from the diplofront. No details...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-02-23