
Cleric guilty of spreading hate
Sheik Abdullah al-Faisal, 39, of Albert Square, Stratford, east London, denied five charges of soliciting murder and four others relating to stirring up racial hatred. The charges related to talks he gave which were recorded and put on sale. The jury found al-Faisal incited young, impressionable Muslims to kill non-believers, Americans, Hindus and Jews. Al-Faisal argued his words were taken from the Koran, the Muslim holy book, and had been misrepresented. One tape, Jihad, contained the words: "So you go to India and if you see a Hindu walking down the road you are allowed to kill him and take his money, is that clear?"
Clear to me, you're guilty!
He also said it is permissible to use chemical weapons to kill unbelievers. In a tape called Rules of Jihad, thought to have been made before September 11 Al-Faisal told his audience: "You have to learn how to shoot. You have to learn how to fly planes, drive tanks and you have to learn how to load your guns and to use missiles." He said: "You are only allowed to use nuclear weapons in that country which is 100% unbelievers." On a tape entitled Declaration of War, which had a picture of Bin Laden on the cover and is thought to have been made in 2000, Mr al-Faisal translates one of his speeches calling for a holy war against Americans and Jews to "drive them out of the Holy Land". The tape called Them Versus Us says: "There are two religions in the world today - the right one and the wrong one. Islam versus the rest of the world."
Radical Islam being the wrong one.
Posted by: Steve 2003-02-24