
B-52s begin training runs over Gulf region
US strategic bombers capable of launching cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs began practice runs over the Gulf region on Sunday, ramping up psychological pressure on the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein, the military announced. The first training flight of a B-52 and its crew took place over an unspecified area 'in the North Arabian Gulf region,' according to the US Central Command.
Close enough for all the neighbors to see them on their radar screens and reflect on what happens when BUFFs come calling.
'The missions will be conducted on a recurring basis and are designed to maintain aircrew proficiency and familiarisation,' the command said in a statement. Lieutenant-Commander Stephen Franzoni, a spokesman for the command, declined to say if the bomber, often referred to as a 'flying fortress', had penetrated Iraqi airspace in the course of its mission.
Uh, nobody has ever called a B-52 a "flying fortress". That title was retired when the last B-17 was.
But he said none of the B-52s involved in the training were currently based in the United States. 'They are flying from the region,' he told AFP.
Diego Garcia or Oman, most likely.
Posted by: Steve 2003-02-24