
News from the Other Side: Plan To Divide Afghanistan Into Seven States
Source: Dharb-I-Momin, Translated By Jihad Unspun
In order to lessen the Taliban influence and keep its control, the Americans have decided to split Afghanistan into seven states. The task has been handed over to Karzai’s deputy Naimat Ullah Shehrani’s brother Inayat Ullah. According to very reliable source, the Americans initially allocated $75 million for the task. The source went on to show surprise that the Americans have informed Russian and Pakistani governments but they have also gained their consent for this project.
Hey! Sounds good! When do we start?
The practical work on this project, in the name Federalism, was started when the operations in Afghanistan were redirected. According to this American plan, regional governments would be established in all these seven states. A diplomat from Kabul told Dharb-i-Momin that Inayat Ullah was recalled from Washington, who later on participated in a secret meeting of American Generals in “Taliqan”. He was then taken to Kunduz under American commandos’ protection.
I'm guessing "Taliqan" is the town of Taloqan, a Northern Alliance stronghold...
According to report, Inayat Ullah informed the non-Pashtoon participants of the conference about the plans for the seven state division. It has also been mentioned in the report that all the factions of Northern Alliance also attended this conference. However, no Pushtoon, Jihadi or political leader was privy to the details which is why the conference attendees did not argue over the American backed proposal and accepted it without any resentment.
Northern Alliance members aren't allowed to be jihadis. It sounds like a proposal for some sort of federal system for Afghanistan, probably affording the different ethnic groups a measure of autonomy. That's just my guess, though, assuming it ever happened at all...
Inayat Ullah said in the conference that he gives importance to all the nations in Afghanistan and is tolerant to give representation to them all. About Pushtoons not present in the conference, Inayat Ullah justified it by saying that since they are not for the division of Afghanistan it will take some time to convince them.
Staffing it with the guys they figure they can get on board?
According to sources, along with high ranking officials of American and British military and secret agencies, the American Counsul General in Mazar-e-Sharif also attended this conference in Taliqan. Sources also mentioned that this plan has the backing of Russia as well as several other Afghan neighbors. Pakistani Prime Minister Gen. Parvez Musharraf was also briefed some of the basic elements of this plans during his recent visit to Russia.
If it exists, I'd guess it has the blessing of all of Afghanistan's neighbors...
Following are the details of the plan in the name of federalism
1.Eastern and South Eastern provinces Nangarhar, Laghman, Kantar, Paktia, Paktika and Khost to be made into to PUSHTUNISTAN

2.Southern provinces Hazara, Shabarghan, Sarpul, Faryab, Samangan, and Kunduz into TURKISTAN

3.Central provinces Bamyan, Ghazni and Wardig into HAZARISTAN

4.Kandahar, Zabul, Arzagan and Himand into LOAY KANDAHAR

5.Harat, Ghaur, Badgehs and Nimroz into ARYANA

6.North Eastern provinces Badakhshan, takhar and Baghlan into KHURASAN

7.Capsia, Kabul and Logar into PAMIR
Meanwhile, Afghan military and political analysts while labeling this American plan a failure commented that prior to this, the British also tried to divide Afghanistan which failed. Analysts say that more than 65% of the Afghan population is Pushtoon which are against the division of Afghanistan.
I don't think I've ever seen an estimate as high as 65%. Most say between 40 percent and a little over 50 percent, making the Pashtuns either the largest single minority in Afghanistan, or a bare majority of Afghans.
An Afghan historian and literate, Habib Ullah Rafi said in a statement to a foreign news agency, that this American- Russian plan will never reach completion. He said that those who are traitors to the nation as well as the country, will have a horrible place in history. Bear in mind, although this plan is emerging on the international media front, Hamid Karzai has opted to be silent on this issue.
If the plan exists — a big "if", considering the source — it might involve a realignment and grouping of the provinces along ethnic lines into larger "states," more a confederacy than a federation. I'd guess there would be a centralized foreign policy with local administration under ethnic customs. That would mean that the Tadjiks, Uzbeks, Turkmen and Dari-speakers could engage in commerce, watch dirty movies, and generally have a good time, while the Pashtuns could continue shooting each other in family feuds, abusing their women, and generally vegetating.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-02-24