
Taliban holding out in Sperwan
  • Hafiz Majid, former righthand man of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, was holding out in Sperwan, about 35 km from Kandahar, seeking guarantees he would not be killed. "They are still there," one commander said. "We sent a few tribal elders to talk to them and Hafiz Majid asked them to give some assurance or a letter from Hamid Karzai that no one would do anything to him." Majid kept many of his vehicles and arms after Kandahar's "surrender" and was leading an unknown number of men barricaded in Sperwan and Kandahar's Chinese Hospital. "Even if (Majid) surrenders, he won't be forgiven. Somebody will kill him," said the commander. "There are civilian patients inside the hospital."
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-12-12
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=1063