
Rodong Sinmun calls for dynamic advance with revolutionary army song
Today's KCNA magic phrase: "revolutionary army song".
Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- The chorus suit "Long trip for army-based leadership" produced by the merited chorus of the Korean People's Army is a revolutionary army song in the era of the army-based policy as it grips the hearts of all the servicemen of the KPA and people, says Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial. It calls for advancing with redoubled courage, singing the song more loudly. It goes on:
The louder you sing, the less you'll think about starvation.
The vitality of the revolutionary army song representing the idea and politics of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il was fully demonstrated in the period of the "arduous march," the forced march.
What in hell is the "arduous march"?
Remember Mao's "Long March"? Great Leader came up with an "arduous march" so the Chinese wouldn't be one up on him...
The revolutionary army song known to the world as a solemn echo in the era of the army-based policy served as life-giving water that helped significantly consolidate the single-hearted unity of the DPRK around the headquarters of the revolution and as a powerful weapon as it struck the imperialists and enemies with mortal terror.
Yes, I would be mortally terrified by a song. I hope our boys are ready if they come down the road singing.
It is necessary to follow Kim Jong Il and share intention and will and feelings with him, loudly singing the revolutionary army song representing his idea and will, courage and pluck and confidence of sure victory and rich emotion.
And if you don't, we have a nice camp for you to go to.
The Korean people should certainly emerge victorious in the life-and-death struggle against the imperialists. It is the revolutionary army song they should sing loudly in the confrontation. Once the imperialists come in attack to stifle the DPRK by force the ten million people and servicepersons should become human bombs to crush them and the further they escalate their economic blockade and pressure upon it, the more loudly the whole country will resound with the revolutionary army song replete with the firm faith of sure victory and optimism.We should carry on the staunch struggle along the road of the army-based revolution, sonorously singing this song.
I think Rodung Sinmun might be overstating the power of this ditty just a little bit.
They're also stating that virtually half the population (22 million, est.) is in the Army. It's no wonder nothing of real substance gets done...
The servicemen and people of the DPRK will as always remain true to Kim Jong Il's idea and cause, loudly singing the revolutionary army song, a song of worship of the leader and devoted defence of him.
Wow. I wonder how many NK's buy into this craziness?
Posted by: tu3031 2003-02-25