
Putin Dispatches Primakov to Iraq
President Vladimir Putin sent former Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov to meet with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad this weekend in what analysts said was a last ditch attempt to hold off a U.S.-led attack.
Poor Yevgeny. He must feel like D.J. Wu is his very best friend...
The meeting came amid intense diplomatic maneuvering and a flurry of top-level telephone calls that ended with French President Jacques Chirac announcing Monday that France, Germany and Russia had submitted a joint proposal to the United Nations calling for the step-by-step disarmament of Iraq. His announcement came as the United States and Britain prepared to present a new UN Security Council resolution to authorize the use of force against Iraq. U.S. President George Bush said Monday the resolution would spell out how the Baghdad regime had failed to disarm weapons of mass destruction. In an attempt to bolster France, Germany and Russia's disarmament proposal, Russia's Foreign Ministry said Monday that Hussein had promised Primakov during the meeting that Baghdad would not hinder the work of UN weapons inspectors sent to make sure Iraq disarmed. It said the meeting was held to receive Hussein's assurance Iraq would comply completely and unconditionally with the inspectors.
And if you can't believe Sammy, who can you believe?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-02-25