
Great Moments in Public Education: Teachers Harass Servicemen’s Children
From the WSJ's Best of the Web Today by James Taranto.

Bloggers Joe Katzman and Trent Telenko pick up on a disturbing report from WABI-TV in Bangor, Maine (video is here), that children of Maine National Guardsmen who've been deployed to the Gulf have found themselves facing schoolyard taunts--not from fellow students but from "antiwar" teachers. Here's a quote from the WABI report:

Alan Grover, WABI-TV: "What the kids are facing is hearing that their mother or father is a bad person for taking part in the confrontation with Iraq; comments that are coming from teachers. That's according to officers with the Guard's Family Assistance Program who've been traveling throughout the state this week. The officers report that such incidents are relatively few in number but that they've occurred in practically every region of the state." . . .

Most of the children involved, WABI reports, are between seven and nine years old.

Mr. Telenko's blog has more information:

. . . I originally saw this article as an item over on the FreeRepublic.com web site. Then I called around and e-mailed and found that there are similar cases happening to military kids in Texas and Kansas as well.

This is what the Maine National Guard sent to the parents of one of the victimized children:
""Thank you for your interest on this most troubling matter. Our Family Assistance Centers have reported cases from Aroostook County to Southern Maine. We are reluctant to give out specific schools and the individuals involved in the interest of giving the education community a chance to address the problem itself. Also, parents wanted the opportunity to pursue the issue through their local school boards first.

In all, we have over thirty complaints that name schools and individual principals, teachers and guidance counselors. If one considers that these complaints come from just the parents who attended our briefings and only from children who told their parents, we are concerned that the problem may be more widespread than we know.

We are recording the complaints, and I will personally visit these educators to express our concern as a professional organization and ask for their cooperation.

Ultimately, our main concern and first responsibility is the safety of our children during these uncertain times. Maine has a core of dedicated and professional educators, [in the public schools?] but we will challenge any individual who places our children at risk due to their own political ideologies.""

Amazing the atrocities some people will commit in the name of "peace."
Posted by: Mike 2003-02-25