
Butler predicts imminent action against Iraq
Former chief weapons inspector for the United Nations, has predicted the crisis over Iraq could come to a head within days. Richard Butler says it appears Iraq intends to defy the inspectors' order to begin destroying its illicit al-Samoud missiles by this weekend. He has told Channel 7 that is likely to change the attitude of some members of the United Nations Security Council, who have been reluctant to confront Iraq. "If he insists on this and the deadline is Saturday, then I think it is fair to say in common parlance Iraq is toast really, you can rely on it, the United States will say, it's over, what more proof do you need that these people are refusing to be disarmed," he said.
To which the appeasers will reply that Sammy needs more time to come to his senses. But I think he'll agree at the last moment and save them the trouble. I think he's teasing them, not us...

Posted by: Bent Pyramid 2003-02-25