
Khalid's coming to visit us
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be extradited to the United States, Pakistan said after his arrest on Saturday. "Right now, I can't say whether Mohammed will be moved tomorrow or next week," Information Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad told Reuters. "It could be next week, it could be tomorrow."
Make it tomorrow...
A senior U.S. official in Washington described the capture during a raid in Pakistan early on Saturday as "extraordinarily significant" because he was critical to planning future assaults on the United States. "He's the senior-most al Qaeda guy to be captured yet," the official told Reuters.
Guess Ayman's next on the list. Though I think we should go for Sully next. He seems kind of depressed lately...
"He was critical to not only the planning for the September 11, 2001, attacks but also is central to the planning for future attacks," he said.

More, from CNN...
Mohammed was no longer in Pakistan as of late Saturday, the officials said. It was not known where Mohammed was or who had custody of him.
Where do they ship 'em first? Bagram, for delousing? Then to... Morocco? Damascus? Probably not Damascus right now...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-01