
North Korean Migs Playing Footsie with U.S. Recon Aircraft
Dow Jones News Services Via Drudge:
Military sources say as many as four North Korean MiGs intercepted a U.S. reconnaissance plane over international waters during the weekend, MSNBC reported Monday.
Better start escorting those missions.
According to the sources, the MiGs came within 500 feet of the U.S. RC-135 plane but didn't act aggressively, MSNBC said.
Hopefully, the Pentagon won't react with it's usual, "They wouldn't dare!" attitude.
The network said the incident — the first such intercept since 1969 — happened in international air space over the Korean peninsula.
For the historicly minded, January of '68 was when the U.S.S. Pueblo was shot-up, boarded, and captured.
Posted by: Anonymous 2003-03-03