
Jabaliya Refugee Camp Whacked
As part of the ongoing war against terror and its infrastructures in the Gaza Strip, IDF Infantry, Armor and Special Engineering forces, assisted by combat helicopters, operated throughout the Jabaliya refugee camp situated in the northern Gaza Strip. During the operation, IDF forces arrested Abed Al Karim Ziada, a senior Hamas terrorist, and demolished his house. IDF forces uncovered a Kalashnikov rifle, grenades, an explosive belt, two bombs weighing 20 kg each, explosive devices, two anti-tank launchers, three anti-tank missiles and five mortar launchers in searches conducted inside the house before it was demolished.
I take it he's not a smoker, huh?
In addition IDF forces demolished another building which was used as a weapon production lab. Inside the building IDF forces uncovered four lathes used to manufacture weapons.
"Well, y'know, some people make model boats, or model airplanes, right? Well, I make antitank mines..."
Massive gunfire was opened toward the IDF forces. In addition grenades were thrown toward the forces, anti-tank missiles were launched at them and over ten bombs were detonated near them. The IDF forces returned fire toward the source of the shooting and identified strikes in some of the armed terrorists. It should be noted that throughout the operation Palestinian ambulances were
allowed full access to the area.
I guess they needed lots of them. FoxNews said there were 11 deaders, with the Paleos claiming a tank had fired at a crowd of civilians, most of them puppies, kittens and baby ducks...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-06