
U.S. hoping to release 'road
A senior official in the American administration said Friday that the United States is hoping to release to present the "road map" for Middle East peace at the beginning of next week or at the latest over the weekend. President George W. Bush announced Friday that he would unveil his long-sought "road map" once a new Palestinian prime minister with real governing authority takes office. "We have reached a hopeful moment for progress," in the stalled peace process, Bush said in a White House appearance.
We're continuing to pass gas over the Paleostinians. Without a complete victory over Iraq and a solid thumping administered to Iran, a year from now we'll be looking for other signs and portents. The Romans used sheep's guts, which are probably a more reliable mechanism than anything the Paleos promise...
According to the senior official, the timing of Bush announcement's is not connected to developments in Iraq but only to the fact that the Palestinians have made progress in appointing a Palestinian prime minister.
And mostly ignored everything else they were supposed to do...
In in his remarks, President Bush called on both sides in the long Israel-Palestinian conflict to "abandon old hatreds and to meet their responsibity for peace." The president said the "road map" would set forth a sequence of steps, "goals shared by all the parties." The road map was worked out by the "Quartet" comprising the United Nations, the United States, Russia and the European Union. Bush spoke Friday with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah II shortly before the address.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-14