
Denmark upholds conviction of radical
The spokesman for a radical Muslim group that urged people to kill Jews had his conviction of violating Denmark's anti-racism law upheld Friday. Fadi Abdullatif, the Danish spokesman for the Hizb-ut-Tahrir group, was convicted of breaking the country's anti-racism laws and given a 60-day suspended jail sentence in October 2002, but appealed.
60 days? With no teevee? Bet he was glad they suspended the sentence...
The Eastern High Court upheld his conviction and the sentence. Members of the group passed out handbills outside Copenhagen mosques in spring 2002 quoting a verse from the Qu'ran: "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out." The text of the flyer, which was also posted on the group's Web site, called Jews "people of slander" and said they should be killed. Danish law prohibits public statements that are deemed insulting or indignant about race, religion, nationality or sexual preference. Convictions can result in jail terms as long as two years.
And if you actually kill somebody they won't suspend all of the sentence...
In January, neighboring Germany outlawed Hizb ut-Tahrir, citing the spread of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda. Little is known about its structure, but German authorities said the group — whose name means Liberation party — advocates the destruction of Israel and has called for the killing of Jews.
The Hizb is a funnel group, apparently with Central Asian roots. Their avowed purpose in the establishment of a khalifate. They had an "Islamic constitution" for Britain up on their sites last year, and they're agitating for shariah law in Denmark. If you're interested, have a look at khilafah.com. Today's hot topic is "Reestablishing the Khilafah State is the Only Way to free ourselves from the oppression of the Western Colonial Powers."
Denmark's top prosecutor, Henning Fode, is investigating whether to ban the Danish branch, which has approximately 100 members.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-14