
Gemayel tried to talk Sammy out of office
From Debka, so the usual grain of salt...
Saddam... set the scene for the Azores summit by putting his country on a war footing, taking command of the Iraqi air force and dividing the country into four military districts with orders to “destroy any foreign aggression”. His younger son Qusay was put in command of the key Baghdad district.
FoxNews was reporting this yesterday. Taha Yassin Ramadan's in charge of the northern district, and Chemical Ali's in charge of the southern, which could be significant — experience counts, y'know.
That move was the Iraqi ruler’s reply to a secret US mediator’s final effort to persuade him to remove himself in order to stave off war. DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s intelligence sources reveal this last mediator as former Lebanese president Amin Gemayel. Denials apart, he was in Baghdad Saturday, March 15, for the third visit of his mission, which was to sell Washington’s final offer to the Iraqi rule to quit Iraq with his family — including his sons Uday and Qusay — and the country’s top political and military leadership, and go into exile in an Arab country. The offer included safe conduct guarantees for Saddam and his entourage along with a US pledge not to freeze his secret bank accounts.
I'd imagine this was put together to sooth the Soddies. Sammy as an exile opens up an entirely different can of worms...
The Iraqi ruler’s response to Gemayel — as to all of a long line of would-be mediators — was a refusal to consider any exile or refuge that divested him of ruling authority. Gemayel’s personal relationship with Saddam dates to back to the 1970s and early 1980s, when he was chief of the Lebanese Christian Phalange militia in Beirut. In those days, he was often in Baghdad to collect Saddam’s largesse to the tune of millions of dollars for his Christian fighters. They have remained friends.
That was back before Sammy became a Defender of Islam®...
On his penultimate trip to Baghdad on March 7-10, our intelligence sources discovered Gemayel took with him a special guest — an American colonel. This officer, another old Baghdad hand, was received by Saddam for an afternoon tete a tete on March 8. In the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, the colonel paid a number of secret visits to Baghdad and was there again just before the first Gulf War in 1991.
And he's still a colonel? Or did Sammy talk to him when he was a mere lieutenant or maybe a captain?
DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s intelligence sources report that the American crossed into Iraq — either from Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. Gemayel and senior Iraqi intelligence officials stood by to fly with him by plane and then helicopter to a secret meeting place near Baghdad. A senior intelligence source, who was briefed on the conversation between Saddam and the US officer, reports that the Lebanese ex-president and an interpreter were also present. After Saddam warmly shook his hand, the American said: “It’s been a long time since I last saw you, but you seem to be in great shape. You are a great soldier and I looking forward to facing you on the battlefield.”
Sammy's never been a soldier. He just likes wearing soldier suits. You sure this guy's not with the State Department?
”When do you intend to attack and try to kill me?” Saddam asked.
”Basically, after the March 19 deadline passes,” came the reply.
March 19th is Wednesday...
”You managed to get me to destroy my missiles,” the Iraqi leader said, pausing for effect. “Is the 19th the date of the attack or just the day when you want me to leave Iraq? After all, that’s what you came for.”
"G'wan. Tell me when the big surprise attack is scheduled..."
The US colonel answered: “According to our orders, that’s the date when we are supposed to head out and get you. And we’ve already been told, ‘Don’t come back with him left in place.’”
"But don't tell anybody, Sammy. It's a secret. You ain't s'pposed to know..."
Saddam was not pleased. “You are the sons of Satan. Go to hell. I’m not afraid of you.”
”We may not even wait until the 19th now,” the colonel shot back.
"Wanna see my muscle?"
”Well then,” Saddam said. “What’s the offer and where do you want me to go?”
”Egypt, Sudan, Syria – there’s a long list of offers. Even Iran made an offer.”
"Just pick some rat hole and scurry away..."
A defiant Saddam answered in English: “I will die before I surrender.”
Okay by me...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-16