
Jews Threatened in Denmark
Although Fadi Abdullatif, the head of fanatical Islamic fundamentalist Hizb-ut-Tahrir, was given a 60-day suspended prison sentence last year for distributing racist, anti-semitic propaganda, the organisation continues to post threats to exterminate Jews on its website, prompting immigrant spokesman Mehmet YÃŒksekkaya to challenge Danes to stop avoiding conflict and take up the fight against Islamic fundamentalism. Immigrant MP, Naser Khader, also said he is extremely concerned by the latest developments. 'Groups such as Hizb-ut-Tahrir are experiencing an upsurge in support from young people right now and it is important for parents to keep an eye on who their children are mixing with,' said Khader. The Ministry of Justice is currently investigating the legal possibilities of banning the Hizb-ut-Tahrir organisation, as has been done in Germany.
Posted by: George H. Beckwith 2003-03-16