
Reports: Turkey might rethink troop decision
Turkey's parliament might reconsider letting U.S. troops use its territory if war with Iraq breaks out, according to Turkish media reports. Turkish officials, including the president, prime minister, foreign minister and armed forces chief, met Monday to discuss the possible war with Iraq.
Is this second thoughts or part of the master deception plan?
After the meeting, a government spokesman said, "Turkey must fulfill its obligations to its allies," setting off a flood of speculation that parliament would vote on allowing U.S. troops to use Turkish bases. Parliament has a regular session scheduled for Tuesday, but it was not known whether the troops issue would be on the agenda. Ankara had been under intense pressure to allow U.S. forces to use its territory to open a northern front against Iraq. Parliament rejected a measure this month that would have let the United States base 62,000 troops in the country.
Too little, too late?
Posted by: Steve White 2003-03-18