
Westerners killed in Yemen
An American, a Canadian and a Yemeni employed at a Western oil firm in Yemen have been shot dead in Sanaa. The attacker wounded another Westerner before turning his gun on himself. An official told Reuters that the attack occurred in the oil-rich province of Marib, about 170 kilometres (105 miles) east of Sanaa. Opposition to the US has been widespread in Arab countries over the coming American-led war on Iraq. The Yemeni official said the gunman was a carpenter working on the premises of the oil firm. It is believed to be the US company Hunt Oil, the only western oil firm in Marib. The nationality of the wounded foreigner is not known.
Still developing, might be a terror attack, a work related incident, or just a nut case. The fact that he shot himself makes me believe more in a nut case. A Islamo would either shoot it out with the cops or run.
Posted by: Steve 2003-03-18