
Bomb Explodes at Home of Afghan Official
A bomb exploded at the house of a senior government official in eastern Afghanistan early Tuesday, but there were no casualties, police said. The explosive device was planted on the roof of the home of Malik Mohammed Nazeer, the senior bureaucrat in the government of Nangarhar province, deputy police chief Lala Khan told The Associated Press. The home was slightly damaged.
The good bombers must have all been bumped off. Everyone knows if you want to blow up a house, you put the explosives under it, not on the roof.
Police did not know who carried out the bomb attack, and no arrests had been made, but authorities blamed members of al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives for the assault. Deputy Commander of Security Zulmy Khan said attackers had planted four bombs at Nazeer's house, but only one exploded. The remaining three were defused by security officials.
See, shoddy workmanship.
The explosion occurred at dawn as Nazeer's family was sleeping, Lala Khan said. The latest explosion occurred three days after a blast ripped through the Governor's House in Jalalabad, shattering window panes and damaging the building's southern wall. "Enemies of Afghanistan are responsible for the explosion at my house," Nazeer told AP, adding that he has no personal enemies that might have targeted his home.
I didn't know you could be a senior Afghan official without making personnel enemies.
Posted by: Steve 2003-03-18