
Syria fears it is next
There is almost no expression of support for Saddam Hussein, once lionized in the Arab world as the liberator of Palestinians. Most Arab leaders say they would like to see Saddam relinquish power. But they are apprehensive about the Bush administration's proclaimed mission of bringing democracy to the Arab world, starting with Iraq.
"Oh, Gawd! Not that! Oh, please, not that...!"
In Syria, there is anger that an Arab nation is in the firing line. "I don't deny we are afraid of a war on Iraq," says Haitham al-Killani, political columnist and former Syrian ambassador to the United Nations. "There is a view in government that Syria will be next." Such fears are not entirely unfounded, going by remarks made by Richard Perle, chairman of the US Defence Advisory Board. "A lot will be required from Syrian President Bashar Assad not only in terms of reform, but also the closure of the offices of terrorist organizations and the return of Lebanon to the Lebanese," says Perle, who is close to Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
We've already asked. They've already told us to piss off...
Syria, now a member of the United Nations Security Council, is on the US State Department's list of states sponsoring terrorism because it supports Hezbollah. Syria also hosts political leaders from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, along with older secular groups battling Israel.
And some battling Turkey... And anybody else who waves a gun and rolls his eyes and hollers "Death to [Fill in name]!"...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-18