
Belgium calls on Saddam Hussein to quit
Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt said Tuesday he was disappointed by the 48-hour deadline set by US President George W Bush for Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq, but called on Saddam to leave.
"Perhaps it would be best if you just left, Sammy..."
However, with the threat of war close, the Belgian premier called on Saddam Hussein to comply with the ultimatum and to leave Iraq for the sake of the country's population, local radio RVI reported.
"Think of The Children®..."
Meanwhile, Verhofstadt said Belgium would comply with 'international commitments' over the controversial shipments of US military supplies through the Belgian port of Antwerp. On Monday Belgium was reported as saying it would block the US from transporting military material though the country if President Bush went ahead with an attack on Iraq that had not been sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council. Foreign Minister Louis Michel and Defense Minister Andre Flahaut said they would block the transport of supplies through the port of Antwerp and would cut off Belgium's airspace to the US military if an attack went ahead that was in their opinion outside the rule of international law.
Never mind!
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-18