
Norway: Comedian burns US flag on live TV
Controversial Norwegian humorist Otto Jespersen may have topped his already incendiary career exploits when his closing monologue on a popular comedy discussion show Torsdagsklubben (The Thursday Club) ended with the US flag in flames. [In the skit,] Jespersen The Norwegian Tom Green has not yet noticed that his candle for a war in Iraq has ignited the US flag.
You know what a humorist is? a comedian whos no longer funny and has no other talents, so they "humor" people by writing books that hit the remainder rack in record speed. For reference, see Garrison Keillor. Humorists usually sit underneath Charley Weaver on the hollywood squares.

Last year Jespersen's biting satire resulted in death threats after he ridiculed Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, and the comedian regularly sparks heated debate with his cutting humor which has offended parties from the state church to Crown Princess Mette-Marit's father Sven O. Hoeiby. Jespersen's closing rant, which has become the high point of the program, ended on Thursday with a pro-war tirade. Jespersen then said: "I would like to light a candle for a long and bloody war, and may this flame inspire the USA to turn Baghdad into the world's biggest crematorium." Turning to see that an American flag behind him had caught fire, Jespersen said: "Sorry, sorry, that was a mistake, that wasn't supposed to happen. See you in Baghdad - Let's kick some ass!"

The show's closing had been cleared both by TV2's program director Nils Ketil Andresen and station chief KÃ¥re Valebrokk, newspaper VG reported. According to Norwegian law, Jespersen now risks a prison term for mocking another nation's flag. All it will take for the stunt to become a criminal case is a complaint, but the US embassy in Oslo was not immediately available for comment.
Wait a minute, this is an enlightend european country, why do they have a law that would make the evil US right wingers green with envy?

Legal experts agree that the flag-burning is clearly illegal and that precedence exists for jail terms for similar acts. Amanda Batt, a spokeswoman for the US state department in Washington DC, told Norwegian news agency NTB: "Norway is one of our close allies and we are extremely concerned when we hear things like this."
Posted by: Frank Martin 2003-03-18