
Mubarak blames Iraq for regional deterioration
Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak said it is Iraq's fault that the region is facing war. But he added a forced regime change was not the solution.
The solution is more talk. Everybody knows that...
In a nationwide address Wednesday, Mubarak declared Iraq's big mistake was invading Kuwait in 1990. He stated that "opened the door widely" for an intensive foreign presence in the region. "I hope that the Iraqi government recognizes the dangerous situation it has put itself and us in, and that the international powers recognize the dangerous consequences of any military action on security and stability of Middle East countries as a whole," Mubarak said.
Looks like Hosni's already started shooting the wounded, and some of the dead, as well. I don't think he quite realizes that we're trying to end the age of hereditary dictatorships...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-19