
Annan highlights Iraqis’ ’plight’
United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has expressed concern for the millions of civilians who could be caught in the looming war in Iraq.
"It is the plight of the Iraqi people which is now my most immediate concern,"
For the past 12 years, I could not have cared less, but now that someone is going to liberate them, I'm just going to sit down and have a good cry.
he told a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York - just hours before a US deadline for war was due to expire.
New York, you remember that place, the one with 3000 dead people, no thanks to efforts by the UN.
Mr Annan said Iraqis had suffered a lot over the years and were faced now with a disaster "which could easily lead to epidemics and starvation".
unlike 12 years of sanctions which has made Iraq into the middle east version of Las Vegas, right Kofi?
Millions of people around the world share this sense of disappointment and are deeply alarmed

Kofi, do you mean we share a sense of disappointment in your sorry ass? then yes I agree.
During the meeting, the foreign ministers of France, Germany and Russia renewed their criticism of the US decision to use force to disarm Iraq.

Mr Annan told the security council it was "a sad day for the United Nations".
Who? Im sorry Im not familiar with that term, oh you mean the people who used to live in "TRUMP TURTLE BAY TOWERS". thats right, I forgot.
"I know that millions of people around the world share this sense of disappointment and are deeply alarmed," he said.
Only those who backed the wrong horse and now are stuck with that creeepy feeling that they just might be next on the list. Peaceful liberal democracies are more interested in the Oscars getting cancelled.
The Secretary General said nearly a million Iraqi children were suffering from malnutrition, and the coming conflict would make things much worse.
He said efforts to relieve the plight of the Iraqi people could yet prove to be the task around which the security council could rebuild its unity.
Get a clue you asshat.....
His appeal came after opponents of the use of force in Iraq repeated their objections - most notably Germany, France, Russia and Syria.
Who now go by code names of "Empty-Base-land", "Uncle-fester-land", "what-were-we-thinking-land" and "next-land".

To those who think that the scourge of terrorism will be eradicated through what is done in Iraq, we say that they run the risk of failing in their objective
Sorry, that didnt translate well. I think what he ment to say was its better to hide your head under the covers thaen to deal with the big mean nasty monsters of the world.
"Germany emphatically rejects the impending war," Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said.
Thanks, that sentiment 60 years too late, but we'll take it anyway.Good luck unloading all those empty bases we are going to leave behind.
He said Iraq had been slow and misleading during the inspection process. But he added that no-one could seriously believe that wars of disarmament were the way forward.
I know of one war of disarmament that worked. it happened somewhere in europe once, now what was the name of that country?......
His French counterpart, Dominique de Villepin, said the crisis had highlighted two conflicting visions - one based on the use of force to cut through the complexities of the modern world, and the other built on the idea that progress in international relations depended on dialogue.
One based on clear headed common sense, the other from a rectum with a DEEP cranial impact.

But Mr de Villepin called on the UN to pull together and address Iraq's humanitarian needs, and said France would take its full part in that process.


Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov also condemned the US decision to go to war.

But he also voiced hope that diplomacy could still prevail, stressing that resolving the Iraqi problem was "impossible without the Security Council".

Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al-Shara said the war against Iraq would return to haunt the US and Britain.
Whats your name again sir, we want to make sure you get on our mailing list.
The session began with the chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix expressing "sadness" that it had not been possible to produce the assurances needed about Iraq's arsenal, in the three-and-a-half months of inspections.
I dont think Hans Blix could find the 4th Marines currently in Kuwait if we gave him a map and a minder.
He presented a work programme which sets out the key remaining disarmament tasks for Iraq.
Its cool buddy, we gotcha covered. Our 'weapons inspectors' are called 101st and 82nd "airborne" , they have a great record of disarming tyrants, just ask anyone.
He acknowledged, however, that his programme "would seem to have only limited practical relevance in the current situation" since all the inspectors had followed orders to leave Iraq under the threat of imminent war.
This is eurotalk for "I hope this doesnt screw my eligibility for retirement benefits".

Posted by: Frank Martin 2003-03-19