
Allies disarm some Haji Bashir forces
  • In Helmand province, anti-Taliban fighters and U.S. special forces searched house-to-house in four villages looking for al-Qaida and Taliban renegades, including the deposed Islamic militia's supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar. The search turned up no trace of Omar. However, special forces and their Afghan allies confiscated about 2,000 weapons ranging from small arms to heavy artillery. The weapons were taken without incident from Haji Bashar, a local warlord in Helmand province, as part of a campaign to bolster security in the region.
    There are probably plenty more guns where those came from, but it's a start, however small.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-01-23
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=117