
Gunmen kill 24 Kashmir Hindus
Senior Indian cabinet members are holding an emergency meeting after 24 Hindus were shot dead in Indian-administered Kashmir. Police said unidentified gunmen shot members of the state's minority Hindu community near the southern town of Shopian.
Now that Washington is distracted the Pak Jihadis can ramp up the murder again.
It is the worst such attack since a new government was elected in Indian-administered Kashmir last September. Many people had hoped the vote, which was largely peaceful, would ease tensions in the region over the disputed state.
"Largely peaceful"? The jihadis were bumping off politicians and voters right and left!
The Kashmir director-general of police, AK Suri, said gunmen dressed in army uniforms entered Nadimarg village near Shopian — about 50 kilometres (30 miles) south of the summer capital Srinagar. They told police they were Indian army soldiers and wanted to carry out a search operation. They then snatched the policemen's weapons and shot their victims. The dead included women and children, police said.
They're easiest to kill, aren't they? They're usually not armed...
Deepak Kumar, whose mother was among those killed, hid inside his house when the attackers came to his door. "There was a knock on the door. These people said 'we are security forces and want to search houses for militants,'" he told the Reuters news agency. Another eyewitness, Chunni Lal, said he was lined up outside his house with other villagers after which the gunmen opened fire. "I was hit. I fell down and pretended to be dead," he said.
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2003-03-24