
Iraqi television shows downed US helicopter
It's a Longbow, and looks real enough to me.
Iraqi television has shown footage of what appeared to be a downed US Apache attack helicopter, intact and with its missiles still mounted. The helicopter, which bore the markings of an American armoured cavalry unit, was in a field near Karbala, about 50 miles south of Baghdad. There was no report on what happened to the pilot. It appeared the helicopter may have developed engine trouble, forcing it down. US ground troops of the 3rd Infantry Division are moving on Karbala, one of the main Shiite Muslim shrines in Iraq.
Saw the footage from Iraqi TV - looks like a controlled landing, and no obvious damage (bet they would have shown holes if there'd been any). Pilot's door was open. No sign of the crew, but the Iraqis aparently had helmets and other items, but no crew. If they were already evacuated, as hoped, is there a reason why the chopper's still sitting there intact?

Posted by: Bulldog 2003-03-24