
Coalition to alter tactics after ambush attacks
Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon insisted Monday that the US-led war to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein was going according to its strategic plan despite a series of military setbacks in the first few days. But Hoon suggested that the coalition would alter its tactics following Iraqi ambush attacks behind the frontline that has led to several US troops being killed or taken as prisoners-of-war in Iraq. "We have got to recognise that it is not simply the front-line that is vulnerable. That might have been the traditional way of viewing the risk in this kind of conflict where there is such a fast moving advance," he said. "As we have seen there risks behind the front we will face and certainly we will need to adjust our force protection to take account of those risks and the way the enemy is operating," Hoon told domestic and foreign journalists.
Yeah. Like maybe we should emphasize killing them more than trying to coax them out with a bowl of warm milk...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-03-24