
Seven Baath elements executed in southern Iraq: report
Tehran, March 25, IRNA -- Seven members of Iraq's ruling Baath party were executed on Sunday on the order of President Saddam Hussein's cousin and the commander in the south, Ali Hassan al-Majid, the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq cited its sources inside Iraq as saying Monday. "Security elements and Saddam's (suicide paramilitary) Fedayeen
on Sunday arrested these seven around Basra for alleged laxity in fulfilling their military duties," the information center of SAIRI here said. They were executed at a security office building in Basra without any interrogation or probe, it added.
"Probe? We don't need no steeking probe!"
Majid, known as Chemical Ali, is blamed for the 1988 chemical attack on the Kurdish town of Halabja, in which about 5,000 were killed. A US State Department official has been reported as saying that Majid had been authorized to use chemical weapons against the local Shiite Muslim population in southern Iraq. US Secretary of State Colin Powell was reported on Monday as saying that Washington was informed of the report and would follow the matter carefully. There were also unconfirmed reports that Saddam was intending to appoint Majid as the new governor of Basra, which is under the siege of US-led forces.
If Majid is still alive, which is open to debate, I'd worry about him using chemical weapons on Basra.
The city, which has 1.2 million residents, is Iraq's key economic artery and is defended by the Republican Guards and Iraq's 51st mechanized division.
I think the correct phrase is "was defended".
Posted by: Steve 2003-03-24