
Text of the letter to Zarqawi
To the sheik Abu Ahmed, may God keep him: (Quranic verses)

I advise myself first and then advise you to fear God in private as in public and that you don't worry about blame from anyone. I urge you that you let nothing stop you from jihad (holy war) for the sake of God ... and that you take refuge in God in all situations, in easy times and in difficult ones. ....

The Islamic nation is waiting for the establishment of an Islamic state that rules by God's laws and carries out his punishments and is waiting for the men who can protect its honor, which is being violated every day. This is the path, but where are the men? We ask God to guide them. What has happened to me (and to?) my brothers is an unforgivable crime. ...

By God, the one and only God, you (will?) ask about what happened to us, because you didn't ask about the situation of the immigrants. ... But morale is weakening and there is (unclear word: either "exhaustion" or "confusion") among the ranks of the mujahedeen, and some of the brother emirs are discriminating among them. God does not accept such actions. ...

What happened is that he (not identified in the text) said: 'Either you carry out a martyrdom operation or you go back home.' We were told that there is an order from the sheik (presumably al-Zarqawi) for us to return. Some of the brothers have returned. Others have signed up to become martyrs. Still others were waiting for God's comfort, but this came after humiliation and rude treatment and many other things. Who can tolerate all this? ... There are brothers that are oppressed, brothers that are persecuted and brothers that are helplessly jailed with no one to meet with them or to ask about them. The situation is not the way it used to be in Fallujah, when you used to come and visit us and we used to enjoy sitting with you. The situation has completely changed. Thanks be to God for everything.

The most important thing, oh sheik, is that you are there and that you remain a thorn in the mouths of the Americans and a thorn in the mouths of the apostates. May God keep you.

The most important thing is that you don't hear from (only) one side, even if it were the closest person to you. Hear from all sides so that the truth can become clear to you. We have found emirs who are not fit for leadership. We are not the ones who can determine who is fit and who isn't, but we are witnesses of God's people and we are the ones who have experienced and know them. ...

Oh sheik, test those who are below you. Some of them are ... oppressors and some of them are not so.

This is my last request: to meet you, because there are many things that are secret and the truth is that I no longer trust any person who says that he is coming from the sheik's side. We are tired and we have suffered a lot. Thanks be to God.

I ask the great God, the honorable God of the throne, to make his religion victorious and to raise his word and to strengthen his worshippers, the mujahedeen, everywhere and to humiliate all kinds of disbelief in God and to destroy America and its supporters soon without delay.

Abu Asim al-Qusaymi al-Yemeni
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-05-04