
South Park Conservatives
Frontpage Interview's guest today is Brian C. Anderson, the author of the new book South Park Conservatives: The Revolt against Liberal Media Bias. He is a senior editor of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal.

FP: Mr. Anderson, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Anderson: Thanks for inviting me. I'm a devotee of the site, so it's a real honor.

FP: What inspired you to write South Park Conservatives?

Anderson: The book grows out of an article I wrote for City Journal in late 2003, called "We're Not Losing the Culture Wars Anymore," commissioned by CJ's editor Myron Magnet. I had been watching a big, and for me thrilling, change take place in our media landscape and in our culture: the downfall of Howell Raines; the success of Fox News; the emergence of comedy that wasn't just bashing conservatives but mocking liberals, too, as South Park does so mercilessly, the rise of the blogosphere and its increasing influence shaping the news; ferment on the campus, where students were moving to the right; conservative bestsellers galore. I realized that the Right was beginning to fight its way through the liberal cultural force field and get a hearing for its arguments and ideas.

Posted by: Anonymous5089 2005-05-04