
Intel Specialists Focus on Insurgent Strategy
Throughout Operation Iraqi Freedom, U.S. soldiers witness the dangers of conducting daily operations in Iraq during an insurgency. To better understand and combat the anti-coalition forces attacking them, soldiers of the 256th Brigade Combat Team intelligence section gather and discuss the reasons and motivations behind terrorist acts in a meeting known as "The Murder Board."

"In some cases you have to think like a terrorist, to understand one," said U.S. Army Maj. John Michael Wells, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 256th Brigade Combat Team, intelligence officer. "If you put yourself in the terrorists' shoes and think of what they'd need and how to carry out a specific task, stopping them from doing those acts becomes easier," said the New Orleans, La., native.

The 256th intelligence soldiers conduct "The Murder Board" specifically for that purpose. Wells said all the analysts meet weekly in an open forum bringing their ideas to the table to explore what can be done to aid soldiers who encounter the enemy. "Intel personnel don't normally have to face a VBIED (vehicle borne improvised explosive device) or go on a raid, so we have to get a good picture or a story told from the reports," said Sgt. Andrew Hyde, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 256th Brigade Combat Team. "We then try to figure out the next line of the story. Once we figure out what is going to happen next, we make recommendations to the commander on how to combat the enemy."
Posted by: God Save The World 2005-05-07