
Abu Mujahid related to Abu Walid by marriage
The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) prevented a series of terrorist attacks using virulent poisons, which were masterminded by Jordanian Abu Mujahid, a spokesman for the federal troops in the North Caucasus told Itar-Tass on Thursday. "Leaders of illegal armed groups were planning acts of terror in large cities in the North Caucasus. To this end, they had the necessary substances supplied from abroad," spokesman Ilya Shabalkin said.

Jordanian Abu Mujahid, an emissary of the international terrorist networks Brother Muslims and al Qaeda, controlled several Wahhabi groups in Ingushetia in Chechnya. He arrived in Chechnya from Jordan in 1992. "This mercenary, hiding from law-enforcement bodies, can use ID papers under the name of Samir Tovbulatov. His wife is a cousin of Arab mercenary Abu al-Walid, who was destroyed in an operation by federal forces in 2004. It underscores his belonging to a group of the most odious terrorist leaders who came to Chechnya from abroad, the spokesman said.

Law-enforcement bodies found out that the attacks using toxic substances were to have been carried out by a Wahhabi group led by Alash Daudov, 45. In the early 1990s, he served at a Grozny police station. He later became an ardent supporter of Wahhabism and joined illegal paramilitary groups. Daudov is personally involved in organizing the hostage taking raid into the Dubrovka theatre in Moscow in October 2002. He purchased a Volkswagen mini-bus for taking the terrorists to the theater.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-05-08