
Zarqawi's been hit hard by US, Iraqi efforts; Abu Talha in the crosshairs
U.S. and Iraqi forces have captured or killed hundreds of followers of Iraq's most wanted terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in recent months, including 20 top lieutenants and other senior members, the U.S. military said Friday. U.S. forces believe they just missed capturing al-Zarqawi himself during a Feb. 20 raid that netted two of his associates and a computer believed to belong to him. The claim came amid a surge in insurgent attacks that have taken more than 270 lives since Iraq's first democratically elected government was sworn in April 28.

The February raid took place west of the capital, between Hit and Haditha, near the Euphrates river, according to Friday's statement. Al-Zarqawi managed to escape as coalition forces closed in on his vehicle, but an aide who sometimes acted as his driver was apprehended, the military said. The Iraqi government previously identified the driver as Ahmad Khalid Marad Ismail al-Rawi, also known as Abu Uthman. But the U.S. military said that driver was captured in an earlier raid and identified the one seized Feb. 20 as Mahir Sabah Injil Hinaydis al-Unayzi, also known as Abu Usama.

The U.S. military quoted al-Unayzi as saying during questioning: "Zarqawi became hysterical. Zarqawi did not know where he was because he demanded repeatedly 'Who lives in this area? What sub-tribe is here?'"
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-05-08