
Iraqi government prop mills off the air
BBC Reporter's Log, Wednesday, 26 March
(Most recent postings on the BBC warblog are at the top, so you may need to scroll down.)
Baghdad :: Andrew Gilligan :: 0602GMT
Iraqi TV is off air this morning, so is the rival channel owned by Saddam Hussein's son, Uday. Their normal breakfast diet of patriotic songs and pictures of Saddam Hussein has been replaced by wavy lines and static. It took the allies several tries to silence the broadcasts on Tuesday night. Programmes stopped at least twice, then resumed from relief transmitters.
Washington DC :: Ian Pannell :: 0427GMT
The Pentagon is confirming that Iraqi state television has been knocked off their air and that that was the target. They deny that the so-called e-bomb or microwave bomb was used. The purpose of the operation was to counter command and control abilities of the Iraqi regime and also to deal with propaganda and the disinformation campaign of Baghdad. At the moment, it is still too early to say how successful or otherwise the bombing campaign was other than the fact that the Iraqi state television is off air and the damage assessment continues.
Posted by: Kerry 2003-03-26