
Your know your military is the best when you’ve got dolphins!
Forget precision bombs, unmanned spy-planes and high-tech weaponry, the US army is about to unveil its most unlikely mine detector - all the way from San Diego, California, the Atlantic Bottle-Nosed Dolphin. At the southern Iraqi port of Umm Qasr, secured by US and British forces after days of fighting, soldiers made last-minute preparations for the imminent arrival of a team of specially trained dolphins to help divers ensure the coastline is free of danger before humanitarian aid shipments can dock.

US Navy Captain Mike Tillotson told reporters three or four dolphins would work from Umm Qasr, using their natural sonar abilities to seek out mines or other explosive devices which Iraqi forces may have planted on the seabed. "They were flown over on a military animal transporter in fleece-lined slings," Tillotson said. "We keep them in a certain amount of water. They travel very well. They will be given restaurant quality food and vitamins, and they will work out of wells which we've set up here." Tillotson said the dolphins were trained not to swim up to mines, but to place a marker a small distance away, minimizing any danger to themselves. Several mines have been discovered on the back of ships along the Faw peninsula, but teams of divers searching around Umm Qasr port have not recently found any embedded mines.
Posted by: George 2003-03-26