
Pro-US Demonstrations Staged in Kuwait
Slightly edited to stay on target.
An estimated 300 Kuwaitis marched through the streets of Kuwait City Tuesday, waving U.S., British and Kuwaiti flags in support of the war against Saddam Hussein. Participants in the demonstration said people in other Arab nations protesting against the war are unaware of how Kuwait fared under the occupation of Iraq in 1990 and 1991. Kuwaiti Arabs interviewed earlier by CNSNews.com have spoken of widespread looting by Iraq during the occupation, and have told stories of imprisonment of opponents of Saddam Hussein. The demonstrators carried banners in English reading 'Iraqi People Need a Free Country' and 'Kuwait Doesn't Forget What Saddam Did.' The southern front against Iraq was established in Kuwait, where as many as a quarter million allied forces assembled prior to the move into Iraq. Police were evident during the demonstration, which took place as air raid sirens continued and a blinding sandstorm began to bear down on the area. Kuwaiti military officials said an Iraqi missile was fired at Kuwait Tuesday afternoon, apparently targeting an air base west of Kuwait City. Officials said the missile was shot down by a Patriot anti-missile battery.
The acid test: DID Al Jazeera cover this?
Posted by: Bulldog 2003-03-26