
Saudi Diplomat Under Terror Probe Leaves Germany
A Saudi diplomat in Germany under investigation for supporting a "terrorist group" left the country before he was to be formally expelled, Germany's public television ARD network reported on Wednesday.
Tap, tap, tap..Fred, your suprise meter is broken as well.
The network said federal prosecutors believed the diplomat was an active supporter of Berlin's Al-Nur mosque.
He's a very holy man.
Prosecutors last week arrested a man from a north African country linked to the mosque on suspicion of forming a "terrorist organization."
Another one of those "North Africans".
Five others were detained, questioned and later released after raids on buildings in the German capital including the mosque.
Bet they're being watched. It's a German thing.
The Foreign Ministry in Berlin declined comment on the report. The Saudi Arabian embassy in Berlin had no immediate comment.
If nobody says anything, that means it's true.
But German sources close to the case confirmed the diplomat left the country before being expelled.
Bet the German government dropped a hint.
"To avoid a threatened expulsion the Saudi diplomat F. recently left Germany, ARD has learned," the network said in a statement. "He is suspected of supporting a terrorist group in Germany...and violating weapons laws and falsifying documents."
Guns and false documents, you knew there was a Saudi involved in there somewhere. Wonder who Diplomat F really is?
Posted by: Steve 2003-03-26