
Bio WMD in the Islamic world: AIDS and Polio
Islamic Biological Warfare
by James Dunnigan
May 12, 2005...

It turns out there are there are Islamic "Weapons of Mass Destruction" after all. In particular, biological weapons. But these mass killers have been developed within Islamic nations, and are doing most of their damage there. The war on terror has taken many American doctors to Islamic nations, and they have discovered a heretofore hidden AIDS epidemic.... religious leaders and general population will not even admit the disease is there. But it is, and in large numbers. While promiscuity and prostitution are common in Islamic nations, talking openly about it is not... No official statistics yet, but the medical underground hints at high, and rising, infection rate. And little, if any, local willingness to recognize a problem exists [and if they ever do admit a problem, they will blame it on the US, Israel, the Mongols, the British, etc. ].

But it's not just AIDS. In Nigeria, faith based paranoia on the part of Islamic clergy, and politicians, caused a polio epidemic, which is now spreading to other Islamic nations....{we've had other articles on the new polio epidemic]
Posted by: mhw 2005-05-13