
4th ID equipment transits Suez
The equipment of the 4th Infantry Division began transiting the Suez Canal on March 23. Some twelve ships, including the MV Cape Race, MV Cape Vincent, MV Cape Texas, MV Cape Diamond, MV Cape Rise, MV Cape Taylor, MV Cape Decision, USNS Mendonca and the USNS Cornhusker transited the canal headed towards the Persian Gulf, according to Defense Department sources. It is possible however that those ships might head for ports in western Saudi Arabia. The MV Cape Ducato, MV Cape Washington, MV Cape Douglas, MV Cape Orlando, MV Cape Henry and MV Cape Edmont transited the Suez Canal on March 25. The Cape Island, Cape Isabel and Cape Knox transited through the Suez Canal on March 26. These ships are carrying equipment for the 4th Infantry Division.
Additional from Reuters:
The United States is flying its high-tech 4th Infantry Division and other units totaling more than 30,000 troops to the Gulf to join the invasion of Iraq. Troops from the division, based at Fort Hood, Texas, and considered one of the most modern fighting forces in the military, will begin flying to the Gulf region in coming days to join its heavy armor and equipment now approaching Kuwait on ships. The division, with a total of 16,000 troops at Fort Hood and Fort Carson, Colorado, has been awaiting deployment for more than two months. It was originally scheduled to go to Turkey to open a northern front against Baghdad, but Ankara refused to grant basing rights for American forces. The division's equipment, including more than 200 M-1A2 tanks, is currently being shipped from waters off Turkey to Kuwait and the troops are expected to go there. "The 4th Infantry Division has received orders to move and will be going in the coming days," Dan Hassett, a spokesman at Fort Hood, told Reuters. He said that other military units totaling about 14,000 troops were also moving with the division. The mobile 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment, with 5,200 troops, announced at Fort Carson on Tuesday that it had received orders to go.
It's about time.
Posted by: Steve 2003-03-26