
Vandals Burn Statue of Liberty Replica in France
Vandals in southwest Bordeaux torched a replica of the Statue of Liberty and cracked the pedestal of a plaque honoring victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. The crowned head of the 8-foot-tall statue was blackened by fire and its eyes were marked with red paint, apparently to symbolize tears of blood, an official at the mayor's office said. The statue and the Sept. 11 plaque are beside each other in a square near the city center.
ziss iss for zee weesels rrreh-mahrks, Amehri-can peeg dohks
In France, vandals have ransacked McDonald's restaurants in Paris and Strasbourg, targeting the fast food chain as a symbol of American influence. (U.S.) Lawmakers also introduced bills preventing France from participating in any postwar reconstruction projects.
NOW yer talkin, boys!
Posted by: Pierre Poo Poo 2003-03-26