
Highly Promoted Muslims Against Terrorism March Draws Dozens
Sat May 14, 7:17 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - A march in the US capital organized by the Free Muslims Against Terrorism group, whose members seek to promote democracy while rejecting the use of radical Islam, drew only a few dozen supporters.

This March was promoted heavily. The number of websites promoting it almost exceeded the number of marchers. Who is willing to draw the obvious conclusions.

On its web site {http://www.freemuslims.org/], the group prior to the protest had asked supporters to, "join us in sending a message to radical Muslims and supporters of terrorism that we reject them and that we will do all we can to defeat them.

"We also want to send a message of hope to the people of the Muslim world and the Middle East who seek freedom, democracy and who reject radical Islam that we are with them and that we will do all we can to support them," it said.

doesn't this send the message that Muslims do not reject supporters of terrorism and doesn't it send a message that is discouraging to hope.

Posted by: mhw 2005-05-16