
Zarqawi defends killing Muslims
Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq defended the killing of "innocent Muslims" in suicide bombings against U.S. forces, saying it was legitimate under Islam for the sake of jihad (holy war), according to an audio tape attributed to him on Wednesday.

"The killing of infidels by any method including martyrdom (suicide) operations has been sanctified by many scholars even if it means killing innocent Muslims. This legality has been agreed upon ... so as not to disrupt jihad," Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said on the tape posted on an Islamist Web site.

The Jordanian militant, Washington's biggest foe in Iraq, quoted Muslim scholars to justify the loss of Muslim lives in suicide attacks in Iraq. His message appeared aimed at winning Sunni Muslim support for the insurgency.

"Protecting religion is more important than protecting (Muslim) lives, honour or wealth," said the man who sounded like Zarqawi. "The shedding of Muslim blood ... is allowed in order to avoid the greater evil of disrupting jihad."

The authenticity of the tape could not be verified and it was not clear when it was recorded.

The speaker said it was crucial to step up suicide attacks to weaken his enemy's modern military might. "These operations are our lethal weapons against the enemy.

"God knows that we were careful not to kill Muslims and we have called off many operations in the past to avoid losses ... but we cannot kill infidels without killing some Muslims. It is unavoidable," he added.

"We know that some mistakes may happen and victims may fall and this causes us grief, but what can we do in the face of this reality in which the enemy has penetrated our land."

He said Muslims killed unintentionally in such attacks were "martyrs who died for Islam".

The speaker blasted the Shi'ite Muslim community, calling them "rejectionists who fought alongside the worshippers of the cross and spearheaded every war against Muslims (Sunnis)".

Addressing Iraq's Sunnis, the speaker added: "We are the spearhead of the Ummah (Sunni nation) and its first line of defence in the face of the crusaders' advance. If the jihad's power subsides then the Ummah will witness calamities and disasters."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-05-18