
Star Wars figurines could create disposal problem, group warns
via http://www.opinionjournal.com/best/

The release of the latest Star Wars movie this week is creating excitement among fans of the sci-fi saga, but itÂŽs also creating concern among some environmental advocates who fear the Dark Side - in other words, waves of discarded plastic action figures, light sabers and other movie-related paraphernalia headed to landfills. "We love Star Wars as much as anybody, but it doesnÂŽt mean we should emulate the destructive power of the Death Star by harming the environment," said Anne Reichman, director of Earth911.org, an environmental action and information Web site. "Most people donÂŽt know that these types of figurines canÂŽt be recycled, not even little Yoda. In fact, almost all of these toys will sit in landfills until long after weÂŽre gone."
Posted by: Seafarious 2005-05-19