
Presidente Fox's "jobs not even blacks will do" Crack
Editorial from the San Diego Union-Tribune. Via RealClearPolitics.

Spanish for foot in mouth? Mexican President Vicente Fox sure made a grande mess of things with his immature, inappropriate and ill-conceived comments to a business group in Puerto Vallarta. His words have taken on a life of their own, and he may never live them down.

*snip out well-deserved slap against Jackson & Sharpton*

Publicly, it's a different story. Fox has refused to apologize, insisting that his comments were misinterpreted.

We seriously doubt that. The comments are pretty clear, and they speak for themselves. But let's not lose sight of what's really at the root of all this, and, when you get down to it, what's really troubling. It is this: that the Mexican president can't seem to stop meddling — in word or deed — in what is essentially a domestic issue, namely how the United States handles the problem of illegal immigration. Think about that for a second. How dare the Mexican president — or any Mexican official — get on a soapbox to lecture Americans about illegal immigration, when it is Mexico's absolute failure to provide sufficient economic opportunities for its own people that helps drive the phenomenon in the first place. Now, that's offensive. (emphasis added)

Finally! Someone gets to the absolute heart of the matter.

Read the whole thing.

I'm guessing no chance this will be republished in any Mexican newspapers.

Posted by: Barbara Skolaut 2005-05-19