
Syrian and Saudi Pro Democracy Reformers meet Sharansky
This is a Rantburg Exclusive since I was a witness.

There is a fellow in my synagogue who is a big linguist and pro democracy (and pro Bush) fan and he has a lot of friends in the mid east. He was sponsoring a light meal Saturday pm (Seudah Shalishit) in memory of the anniversary of the death of his mother (yarzeit) and invited some his friends.

Natan Sharansky came (and sat near me for the morning (Shaharit) service. In the afternoon (we eat a light meal after the afternoon prayer- Mincha, and before the evening prayer - Maariv), Sharansky and members (including Farid Ghadry) of the reform party of Syria (see: http://reformsyria.org/) and members of a reform party of Saudi Arabia (they call themselves Arabians not Saudis because they detest the ruling tribe) had something of a love in. They finished each others sentences - they spoke English sometimes and Arabic at other times.

Posted by: mhw 2005-05-22